インバウンドでタイ人を集客! 事例多数で万全の用意 [PR]


Profile in English

Last Update: 02/Jan/2012

【Life in foreign country】
I started living and working in Bangkok 'til April 2007.
I'm NOT a kind of worker who works as the Representative from
Japanese company, but find job by myself and is working here.
Now I live in Bangkok with my Thai wife..

【Hobby1 - Cycle-touring around the World】
In the past I've used to cycled around Japan about 10,000 kms,
13 countries about 12,050 kms. In special, I've pedaled in
Thailand 13 times 51 prefectures 5,000 kms.

Here's the list of country or region I've cycled:
Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Germany, Thailand, Indonesia, Hawaii, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos

【Hobby2 - Listening THAI POPS (T-POPS)】
While cycling in Thailand at the first time in 1996, I've listened to THAi-POPS at the first time.
Then every time I went to Thailand, I bought many T-POPS CD,
and after retuened to Japan listened to them.
From November 2004, I do started listening T-POPS in earnest.
Now I have more than 750 CDs here. (at the point 02/Jan/2012)
I'm a fan of Nat Myria from 11 years ago.
Actually dreams which I wanted her to shake hands with me and
to sign down to jackets of CDs, has come true on 01/Dec/2007 !

【Hobby3 - Study Thai language】
I don't know I can say this is my hobby.
Recently Thai language comes out previously than English I've been ever good at.
The other day when a clerk in CD shop said to me, 'Five hundred seventy baat ka',
I was confused momentarily but soon I asked her 'kii baat khrap ?' in Thai.
I studied hard in the school and the company in this one and a half years though
I was rimless Thai language at the university.
Colleague in the company teaches me Thai language so severely every day, in special,
pronunciation. And I chat with Thai people with Thai language and they teaches me
I use grammer wrong.
So that I become to listen and understand Thai language roughly a person who speaks
clearly no matter how they speaks fast.

Usually I need some time to start doing some work. But once I start doing something, I'll do thoroughly and quicly.
I think I want to say 'My life was interesting to me.' when I'm going to die.
I don't want to band together so much, but I'm lonesome guy.

【Educational Background】
Horita Elementary School in Nagoya (Swimming Club)
Tako Junior High School in Nagoya (English Club)
Sakuradai Senior High School in Nagoya (Athlete Club)
Kawai-Juku Pre-School in Nagoya
Bachelor Degree in Physics at Osaka City University (1993)
  (Wondervögel Club)
Master Degree in Physics at Osaka City University (1995)

【Business Background】
Production-Controlling at Material Perchasing Section
  at some manufacturing company in Osaka 6 years
Programmer and Designer in some software company in Osaka 5 years
Project Manager of software development 1 in Bangkok from April 2007
Project Manager of software development 2 in Bangkok from April 2009

【My Life】
23/Mar/1969, I was born in Nagoya.
Spring in 1988, I started living in Osaka near my university.
Spring in 1989, I started cycle-touring and up-to-date over 20 years.
20/Nov/1998, I married the first time (with Japanese).
18/Jun/2001, my daughter was born.
29/Mar/2007, I started living and working in Bangkok.
20/Feb/2008, we got divorced.
31/Dec/2008, I resigned the previous company.
01/Apr/2009, I started working in the current company.
In Jul/2009, I started living together with Thai woman.
In Nov/2009, a doctor said my father was the brain tumor and would die within a year.
In Dec/2009, wey reached the top of Doi Intanon which is the highest place in TH.
05/04/2010, I married with May. At first I submitted the marriage registration in JP.
07/05/2010, I submitted the marriage registration in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
25/07/2010, I cycled to May's house, Nakhon Pathom.
22/11/2010, I had the marriage party in Nakhon Pathom.

To cycle around the World up to 50 countries.
To cycle around Thailand in all of 77 prefs. (Now passed 51 prefs)
To start my own business around 45 years old.

Thank you for reading.

Best Regards,

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